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Join the support registry!

Last summer, a call was made for individuals to join the Support Registry of Þingeyjarsveit. The aim was to compile a list of names of individuals who could be available for minor contingencies, short-term replacements, and temporary tasks, even on short notice. The response surpassed our expectations, and the Support Registry became a reality. There has often been a need for such support, and the ability to quickly resolve unforeseen situations has proven invaluable to many workplaces within Þingeyjarsveit. We are still looking to expand the support team, so we are issuing a new call to those who may be willing to lend a hand. There is no obligation with joining the Support Registry, but there may be opportunities to try out various tasks.

Typically, this entails part-time work, with tasks ranging from home assistance to support work, caregiving, cleaning, and other diverse responsibilities within the municipality's workplaces. This opportunity is open to individuals of all genders. If you are interested, please register here for the Support Registry.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the family department supervisor at asta.flosadottir@thingeyjarsveit.is.

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